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What Would You Put Sugar In? | FlashBack

Looking through my phone for pictures of products, I tried to find one of my absolute favorites!


I have bought packets of THC a few times over the past few years, it always goes quick because I give out packets to friends! It's that good.

Sugar is a great edible choice because you have the freedom of choosing to put it on whatever the heck you want! Grits, go ahead. Tea, why not! Cheerios, for sure. Why can't I think of better uses for sugar? Haha.

The sugar packets that I have here are 10MG. I wish I remembered the brand, but I don't have a picture if the box and I've bought different brands the various times I've gone.

If I remember correctly, the box was about $20 or $25 for a box of ten 10MG packets of sugar.

Here is me putting THC sugar into my coffee in the morning.

Sugar, sugar, sugar! This stuff was good, it provided a high that was work-wit-able! Not too much of a head high, it was a body high feeling. Definitely need to get my hands on more.

Remember, different products will hit and feel different, that's why experimenting is good! When THC is in different things it reacts differently.

Next time I purchase I will let you know!

What would you put this sugar in?

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